Have you thought about being a Foster Parent to a dog in need of a home? It’s such a rewarding thing to do for a dog who is transitioning from an unimaginable life to the possibility of a forever family. Sometimes they just need a little extra time and guidance to learn the ropes so that their step to adoption goes more smoothly.

As a Foster Parent you will give the new dog time to decompress after a long flight and perhaps a long time in a shelter or boarding situation. It requires giving the dog space and time and gentle loving to bring them out of their shell and to open their hearts again and know they will land in a soft place.

While under your care, any veterinarian services that the dog requires will be covered by Koastal Dog Rescue (KDR). As we are fully invested in the welfare and successful placements of these special dogs, KDR will be in constant contact with you, supporting you and the foster dog all the way to finding their permanent home.

What attributes does a Foster Parent ideally have? Experience with dogs is a must. Dogs who arrive in Canada are facing so many new things. They can be fearful, timid, and even fear-aggressive. They can also, of course, be perfect! It takes a little while for their personalities to shine through. Some things the dogs might need to learn are how to walk on a leash, house training, how to play, how to be polite and not jump when meeting new people, how to greet other dogs while on walks etc.

Those interested in Fostering should complete an Foster Application HERE

Thank you so much for your support!