IBreed: Pointer-Black Lab Mix
Birthdate: 15.04.2022
Size: 26 kg/57lbs
Gender: neutered Male
Dogs: friendly
Cats: not tested
With children: good with children. Curreny, lives with a family with a young child.
With adults: friendly.
Leash training: knows leash, needs to continue leash training.
Potty training: does his business outside.
Kennel training: not tested.
Energy level: active
Resources/Food guarding: none
Personality: Miko is a gentle, thinking soul. He is very soft-natured, sweet creature. Not a mean bone in his body. Has great potential. Intelligent, likes to please.
Health: good health, vaccinated, neutered, heartworm negative, de-wormed.
Rescue story: Miko is a part of an accidental litter of 8. Only 2 male puppies survived - Miko and his brother. They mother died several months after giving a birth.
Do you feel you fill the requirements for our GENTLE MIKO?
Please see our Adoption page to apply.
The application form is quite detailed but necessary to ensure we find the right forever-home for each dog.
If you know of anyone who might be travelling from Korea to Vancouver OR Seattle please put them in touch with us. We are always looking for flight volunteers and it is so easy. They will be met at checkin in Seoul with all paperwork completed and all they have to do on arrival in Vancouver is pick up the dog at the luggage area and meet me in the arrival welcome area. We cover all costs including a porter on arrival for the dog.