Read Before Adopting
Queen of side eyes
Gyepi is the most stubborn and worst behaved out of all my dogs. She will often just stick bananas in her ears and not care about anything you have to say or have to offer (treats). She's the "BAD" girl of the group. All dogs have their own character, and we have to accept them as they are. Of course, training is a must and highly needed, but I mean the core of their character. It can't be changed. They all have their sass and goofiness. I feel like too many people expect their rescue dogs to be a certain way, and when they meet them and have them in their home, they don't fill their expectations. It makes me super sad.
The most common thing people say is, "I don't feel a bond with them.", "The rescue lied, they are totally different in my home." It is not that easy. Having a bond with a dog doesn't happen overnight. Of course, some dogs feel extra special. But if you can rescue a dog that no one wants and give it the life it deserves, their is no need to feel like you have the most special bond in the whole world. Just like with my dogs. I love them all. But I have "no bond" with, for example, Mami. She is just here and living the life of her dreams. She pays no attention to me whatsoever. She doesn't care for me at all. She still hates me touching her and often runs away when I approach her. There is no "bond." But I know I can save her and give her a wonderful life for her (not for me). So I kept her. As no one would want her. No one would have a "bond" with her and then dump her or return her. I don't want that at all.
The second common is saying, "The rescue lied about the character." No, they didn't. Of course, some do, but with the dogs I helped find a home for no one lied about anything. Everything is subjective. This means that what we experience of the dog is different than what you will see. That's why I just watch some videos of the dogs I take and go based of of these. I don't listen to any of their character as it will ALWAYS change when the dogs move. I also like to experience the dogs myself and teach them myself. That's the most beautiful thing ever.
I will never ask for any character when adopting a dog. Only some clips to see how they are with other dogs. Because Lucy is horribly difficult with other dogs. But other than that, I keep a blank page. Because I don't want to judge based on character. I want to rescue a dog in need. Doesn't matter what their character is like. I want to help and will work on anything if needed with them It sounds like a big risk and yes it is. It is a risk but I am willing to take it and never ever did it go wrong. I do also always foster first to see how they interact with my dogs but not ever to see if I have a bond with them or how they are to me. Never. I always give them a lovely home no matter how they are towards me. I don't really have cuddly dogs. And I don't care. They are happy and that's all that matters. I saved 5 souls and that's all that matters to me. If you decide to adopt a dog, please never expect anything from them and work with them on their less good parts. Just like any dog has. Work with them towards an amazing future. And save a life. so many dogs are in need of homes. Even if you don't feel a "bond" with them. Please save them if you have the space and possibility to do so they need you.
Permission to share, from Iris Cuypers