Name : Teddy
Breed : Jindo mix
Age : 1 year old (2022 Nov 16 born)
Sex : Neutered Male
Weight : 11kg
Good with Women?
- Teddy is a bit timed, so he may be shy in the beginning. However, he will show affection once he gets to know the person and when he feels more comfortable in a few hours.
Good with Men?
- He will be mor shy with men than women, but he will get used to it and will be more friendly and affectionate in about one day.
Good with Children?
- He has been staying at his foster family with their kids since he was a puppy. He is very used to be around the children, and he is good with kids.
He tends to nib a bit when he gets very excited to play with kids, but he will stop when you block him with a short and a firm command 'NO, SIT'.
Good with other dogs?
- Teddy is living with two other dogs at his foster home now. He may need some time to get to know the dog whom he hasn't met at first time. He tends to get excited and pull the leash to say Hi to the other dogs on his walk, but he is on the progress of his command training 'Wait' and 'Sit'. He will sit and wait until the other dog walked by gently.
He is just a puppy yet, so he loves to play with other dogs, but he doesn't know how to play gently yet. He might nib other dog's ears or neck playfully, not in an aggressive way. He is still on a progress of learning to read signals from other dogs when he plays with other dogs.
Good with cats?
- There is no cat at his foster home, but when he meets cats on his walk- he wags his tail and tries to approach them.
Not Fully Tested in a same place.
Any type of aggression at any particular situations?
- If other dogs show aggressive behaviour towards Teddy, he shows defensive behaviours.
Also, he tends to protect his food as he loves his food. He doesn't fight over the food with other dogs, but he eats his food fast when the other dogs approach him. His foster mom feed her dogs in a separated places for this reason.
Energy Level?
- Puppy energy level 5. He is playful.
Any prey drive?
- He gets curious when he sees birds, but he doesn't attack or runs into them.
Leash trained?
- He is well trained. He follows the lead with 90% of success rate. He is a bit timid, so his foster mom is using double harness to keep him safe.
Kennel trained?
- Well trained.
House trained?
- He is pad trained for indoor with 99% success rate, and also goes outside. This could be changed if Teddy goes for a walk more often and regularly. He is a smart doggie.
If he hasn't peed for a long time in the house, he may pee little bit when he sees his family, just because he gets so excited and happy to see his family. But this happens rarely and if that happens, his foster mom lead him to the pee pad to train him.
Does the dog bark? How much and when?
- He only barks when he wants treat in your hand or when he wants something. Other than that he doesn't bark even if his family leaves the house. He has no separation anxiety, as well.
Does the dog like to be touched? Any issues with touching anywhere specific on the dog’s body?
- You can touch him anywhere once he feels comfortable with you. He tends to nib gently as an expression of his love, but his foster mom train him not to do it with a short and firm command. He is following the training very well.
Destroys and chews anything in the house?
- If he can't get enough play time or walk or.. when he is bored without any toy- he sometimes chew on mat, chair, shoes or fabric kind. However this happens less and less as he grows up.
Possessive towards food or toys or etc. with humans and/or other dogs?
- He is not aggressive, but he tries to protect his toy or his food. He just runs away to protect his favourite stuff to protect them even when his foster mom tries to take them away from him.
He never bites. He just gives up if his foster mom take things away from him. He may growl to warn other dogs when they approach to him when he has his favourite toy or food, but he never attacks them first.
Any past or present health issues?
- He has no allergies or any health issue, but he may have diarrhea on High-Protein diet. His foster mom is feeding him 'GO Sensitivited Adult' at the moment.
He sometimes has Reverse-sneezing in a very dusty environment.
Rescue Story of Teddy
- He was rescued with his mom and his other siblings in a very cold winter from a street. There were a mom dog and 6puppies, but very sadly one of the puppies passed away as it was very cold. Teddy's mom Nari was very weak and having a severy kidney issue from the her poor living environment before the rescuing. Eventhou Nari was very sick, but she tried so hard to keep her puppies alive. Her mother-love was very strong and all of us moved by her love.
Adoption wishes
- Teddy loves people. He maybe a bit timid and shy, but he is so affectionate and he will give all the love to his family. He is also very smart, so he learns things quickly.
He is not a big fan of nail trimming. He answers basic commands in Korean, but his foster mom thinks that he will learn English commands quickly.
His foster mom thinks that he will be more suitable to a family where he can be the only dog in the house, but he will be ok in a family with other dog too as he's been living with other dogs at her foster home since he was born. He may need some time to get closer to other dogs in the family at first, but once he gets more comfortable with the other dog, he will be OK.
He still has lots of puppy energy, so if he found a familt with another dog- it would be more ideal if the other dog is similar age as Teddy.
Do you feel you fill the requirements for our smart TEDDY?
Please see our Adoption page to apply.
The application form is quite detailed but necessary to ensure we find the right forever-home for each dog.